
Center for Watershed and Ecosystem Conservation

As one of the influential rivers in DKI Jakarta, the Ciliwung River has a long history. Stretching from upstream located in the Bogor area which includes the Gunung Gede area, Gunung Pangrango and Cisarua to the downstream area on the north coast of Jakarta, the Ciliwung River has 120 km long with an area of ​​387 Km2 of Watershed. In the past, the Ciliwung River became one of the sources of life for the people of Jakarta and a habitat for various types of fish. While That is, other watersheds in Indonesia have more or less the same problems. As an example, The Citarum River is reported as one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Citarum watershed has experience a water deficit due to severe pollution, improper governance in use surrounding land and urban and suburban development in the catchment area.

This center was stablished to overcome the challenges in managing the Ciliwung watershed  and other watersheds such as flood management, landslides and hydrometeorological disasters others, as well as integrated upstream and downstream management. Researches at this center will also be discuss multi-dimensional issues of anthropogenic use and ecosystem services, and adaptation and mitigation of climate change. At present, I-SER has initiated cooperation with the Kodam  III / Siliwangi in efforts to clean and restore S. Citarum. The Center for Watershed and Ecosystem Conservation is coordinated by Silver Hutabarat, M.Sc., Ph.D.


Some webinars from the Center for Watershed Management have been done and will start in 2022.